Replacing Default Intro and Outro Templates in Kroto


This tutorial will guide you through replacing the default intro and outro templates provided by Croto.


Hello everyone! In this tutorial, we'll discover how to replace the default intro and outro template provided by Kroto. Let's click on this intro and outro option. Here, you'll find all of the text color, text content, and media sections. You can easily upload your logo, which will then appear here. If you wish to replace this template and upload your own, simply click on this switch button. Here, you can upload your custom template. Click on this image to proceed. After uploading, your complete intro will be replaced by the image you provided. As you can see, the intro section has now been replaced with this image. The same process applies to the outro. If you'd like to upload your own outro template, simply click right here. Upload your image. Your outro will be replaced by this new image. Take a look at this. If you decide you’d rather keep the Kroto template, just switch off the toggle. Thank you for watching!